Wuhan City Zhanan Materials Co., Ltd

Wuhan City Zhanan Materials Co., Ltd
Waste materials
Business Scope:
Waste metals, equipment materials
Hubei Yifeng Renewable Resources Co., Ltd. has long recycled power equipment, wires, cables, motors, transformers, generators, electric welders, electronic equipment, electronic electrical instruments, integrated circuits, various scrap metals, copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, nickel, various alloys, stainless steel and other scrap equipment and waste materials. The company operates in good faith and wins the trust of customers by quality; Based on the market with reputation; Reward society with value; Rely on perfect service, wholeheartedly serve the vast number of new and old customers, and sincerely look forward to your call....See More Information>>
Wuhan City Zhanan Materials Co., Ltd
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  • Company Name:Wuhan City Zhanan Materials Co., Ltd
  • Technology Support:wangyou fengj.com
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112